I’m back

Well I’m back. I don’t know how long but it seems like it has almost been a decade since I’ve actually posted to this blog. When in reality it has probably been about five or so years, time flies when you aren’t bittorenting comics.

That’s a joke of course because I pay for all of my comics. Comics have never left me but my interest them goes in peaks and valleys, just when I am almost completely out of the loop I decide I want to jump head first back into them. Looking back at these posts it looks like I used to review whole series, mini-series and story lines or just try to give epic descriptions. I wish it was that easy but in all truthfulness I lack an internet connection and a disposable income so where that leaves me is basically relying on the library for all my comics needs.

Sure having the library is better then nothing but what I’ve always found troubling about the library is that they pick up series in fragmented segments or whole volumes are just plain stolen. Regardless I still have a few series sitting on my hard drive that I’ve yet to read or even review. Right now i am currently reading Doom Patrol by Grant Morrison… apparently I was a bit late on that one and am re-reading Deadpool circa Joe Kelly 1990s which to me still is the standard to be met for the character.

I’m going to maybe try and blog here semi-regularly and maybe I can review some things I’ve read in between my days in college to now. So be on the look out for reviews of Doom Patrol, Deadpool, Punk Rock Jesus and a bunch of other zanny things in the near future. I can’t promise this will be a regular thing since I write a couple other blogs on varying topics but hopefully if you were a fan before or just finding me for the first time I can provide you content that’s worth reading.




Respect to all comic book writers

Great writers are ones whose material can transcend the boundaries of its genre and format, and right now comic book writers are beginning to be recognized for their amazing creativity and talent. Continue reading

Captain America not being filmed in America

So I read on mtv’s comic inspired web page the Splash Page that the Captain America movie is going to be filmed in London. Continue reading


Man I wish I something to post today but I don’t. If I think of something I will write about it but, please don’t stop coming to the site. It is just a busy time in my life right now but I am trying to get everything together and start transitioning the site to include other things besides just comics. 

Updated Reading List

Well I updated my list of comics to read. Still have Ex Machina on there because I am waiting for BKV to come out with the finale, and am currently reading Y the Last Man and Madman. Picked up some American Virgin by Brian T. Seagle and intend to read Shad the Changing Man by Peter Milligan

Going mad for Madman

The mysterious maestro of good leaps forward with yo-yo in hand flinging it at his opponent, an evil-underground beatnik bent on terrorizing the masses with his “new world” daddy-O lingo. The collision of the yo-yo bouncing off the beatniks skull resulting in a sudden loss of consciousness Madman stands tall admiring the result of his work. Continue reading

Repost:Scott Pilgrim’s Guide to Life

For anyone who isn’t up-to-date on the world of Scott Pilgrim you really should be because it is one of the coolest comics out right now and is about to be made into a movie starring Michael Cera . Anyways I found this really cool article while cruising around on digg.com today and I thought that I would link back to it. So all that you have to do is click here.

Scarlett Johansson the “it” girl of comics

So I don’t know if anyone else has paid attention but with Scarlett Johansson playing Black Widow in the new Iron Man movie she has now officially been in three comic book movies. Continue reading

My two cents

Many of the readers on this site probably know how I feel about the big two companies, like which one is my favorite and which one isn’t.

But for those who don’t know let me tell you.

I grew up loving Marvel, in fact I still am fond for a lot of the characters, started getting into DC late last year now I am more of a DC fan then I am a Marvel one. Continue reading

New Tom Strong Series

Looks like there is a new Tom Strong series being put out from Wildstorm, this of course is news to me the worlds biggest Alan Moore fan. I wonder if Moore has given Wildstorm his blessing for producing the new series, my thoughts are probably not. I will have to look into this a little bit more. Anyways here is a link to Wildstorms blog with a description of the series, the bleed

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